Unity Tutorial 07


Screenshot of my Unity, building a game

I just want to start with a 'yay' to finally be finished with the Unity, now I can focus more on other modules and other tasks of this module. It took some time and trouble to get through this unity, the fact that we were constantly working on the same game was very exhausting and got very boring after a few weeks, one of the biggest problems I think was that if something didn't want for you then the whole game wasn't working correctly and it placed more errors for you. The steps made the process slightly faster but then some steps weren't explained well which then cause you a lot of time to figure it out especially if there were errors like spelling mistakes in the steps provided.

Thankfully the last few parts of the tutorial weren't too bad and some areas were easy and turned out to work towards the end. I have already placed some audio within Unity for my own game that I have created last semester so I was more familiar with these steps. Overall I prefer to make my own simple game than following the unity tutorials which sometimes are too advanced and Youtube tutorials explain some steps in a more understanding and easy way.


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