Reading 07

Screenshot of going through my work

This week's reading task was very beneficial I think to many people as they were able to get more familiar with other people's work and they have a better understanding of what is expected and how others have tackled this task. After readings, others' work you were able to get some ideas or receive some help on how to make their paragraphs more in-depth and improve their structure. I have provided feedback to two people which I based on what I knew and how I have done my own written work which I hope they found helpful and it allowed them to improve and further develop their work. I didn't want to force anything of my feedback on them so I only suggested a few factors that could be done in my opinion.

I haven't received much feedback for mine but I have received some positive feedback from one person which made me feel more comfortable with the reading task. Hence why I haven't however changed anything or rewritten anything because I didn't receive any recommendations for a change. Unless I get some further feedback about having to change or rewrite anything, I will keep the paragraphs as they are written now.



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