Unity Tutorial 03


Screenshot of my Unity from this week

The tutorials are getting more difficult at times and there are more steps that you need to do on your own with fewer guidelines. I like the use of short quick little videos that are embedded in some steps however I think that some of them are too fast and have too many steps to show. It is very hard to check if you have the settings correct and if you followed the steps right as unfortunately, you can not pause them at a certain point and then there are no screenshots provided below. I think they should provide screenshots of what the settings should be set to before telling us to move onto the next step. It would be very helpful if they could do that like they do with the scripts at the end of each section.

Overall I have got on well this week apart from one issue. My bot enemy is not moving on its own and I can't seem to figure out what the problem is. I have checked my code and settings in Unity and everything seems to be correct unless I missed something from that fast video but I wonder could that problem be fixed in the next tutorial. I will definitely come back to this if it will remain to be a problem in the next tutorial. 


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