Unity Tutorials 09

My Own Tutorials that I Found and Used 

My game screenshot

Unity has provided me a lot of help and guided me to my first game, however, I had to look for tutorials elsewhere to find out how to achieve exactly what I wanted. I found some Youtube tutorials more helpful and even better explained than some of the Unity ones. I have learned new ways of performing the same actions and easier methods for coding. I have become more comfortable with Unity and have progressed massively since I started to work on my game. I think that I wouldn't be able to achieve what I have so far if I wouldn't look on Youtube and unlike Unity, Youtube has comments which are a great help also.

There are plenty of Youtube tutorials I have followed in order to get to where I am now with my game. I am very happy with how much I accomplished and improved my game and I have many Youtubers to thank for my success. However, I have started with the first Unity tutorial that we did weeks ago, it was in this one that I have gotten the camera follows that I then slightly fixed to suit my player. I have started off with this tutorial below which was my start point and helped me to get the basics ready. 

All of these tutorials are extremely great and improved my game greatly. 

Unity lesson 1 car movement

Youtube Tutorial on how to make your first game 

This next tutorial thought me how to apply and make your own materials.

This tutorial was really great and it allowed one of my ideas to work out


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