Unity Tutorial 10 ( my own tutorials)

 Tutorials I did for my Project

Screenshot of my game

This week for finishing my game I have found some more tutorials that helped out to complete the game. Youtube is a great source for tutorials about Unity and coding that have been helping me out since day one of making my game in Unity.

I have watched and gone through a majority of tutorials on how to do a game over in Unity. The links are provided below of the tutorials and in order to gain a better result, I have used the best three that I found useful.

Creating a game over scene in Unity

The next video tutorial is about creating extra scenes in Unity, I was experimenting with making an opening scene and a game over scene. However, it looked very time-consuming and I wouldn't manage to make it in time for the final game upload. Despite that, I found the video beneficial as I may be able to use it in the future for other Unity projects.

For my second part of the game, I have come up with an idea to use lava on the plane for the players to avoid. I couldn't find many tutorials on how I could proceed in doing that apart from the one below. 

I decided to give it a try myself and watched some tutorials on how to use the asset store that is provided on Unity.


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