Week 9 Reading and Writing

Reflect Week

Game controller 

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It is not so long ago that I started here in the second year but it feels like it was only a few weeks ago. the time flies by and along with it my progress that I have made so far. I definitely feel like I am improved my academic writing and spell checks, not only because I downloaded Grammarly which helps me and teaches me but also because I have had a lot of practice so far. I don't think I'm great at academic writing but feel like I have improved and more often now, I try to sound more formal and think about how I'm phrasing my sentences.

Despite the improvement and the practice I have I still don't like the readings and find some of them difficult as they can be very descriptive. I managed to do them myself but found it very helpful when we started to do the readings together, it was also a nice way for us all to work together and to change the way we work. After doing the readings together I feel more comfortable with them and have a better understanding of how to structure the blog post for the readings each week.

I feel like the readings have helped me with my game design as they seemed to be a good guide on how to create your first game. The readings pointed out the important features that the game must have and where we should focus on the most. However, I always find videos the most helpful in the reading task as I understand things better when shown visually as well. The videos always seem to be more straight to the point and you understood what had to be done or what was required faster.

I think that the long readings were confusing us a lot in the beginning with such long and big descriptions as we only began and many of us might have not known much about games in general. Receiving so much and such detailed information might have been too much to take in at first. I found the amount of information in each reading overwhelming at the beginning, think that it would be better for us if the readings would start off shorter and more basic at the start. They could then increase as we would get more comfortable with academic reading.  

The readings have helped me and guided me in the making of my game project that I am very happy with so far. I think that I wouldn't be at this point if I were just to go straight to developing my game without following the steps of game design that were included in the readings. I like how I am getting better with Unity and have the ability now to explore Unity on my own and be creative. I'm enjoying creating my game in Unity and I am surprised with how much I have learned over the past few weeks about game design and Unity. In the beginning, I didn't think I will be capable of making my game idea come to reality but it is slowly going there. I may not be able to make it exactly as planned but I have already achieved a lot of my goals and added in some extra features. I'm curious how it will turn out in the end.



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