Unity Tutorial 09

Onto the Next Level

Unity Challenge 4 work screenshot

We are moving on and getting more into Unity as the weeks go by. This week I have completed lesson 4 and tackle the challenge that came with it. There is more code being involved as we make more impressive and fun things in the game. I am finding my way around Unity easier now and manage to work out some tasks on my own which I am happy with.   

I didn't have much trouble with finishing up lesson four this week, I have only skipped a point in one of the tutorial videos but as soon as I noticed that something wasn't working correctly I then went back through the video again. I quickly found my mistake and which then fixed everything else for me. I found the code a little bit overwhelming this week and felt like there was too much of it which added some difficulty in finishing the game.

I found the challenge quite hard to do and it took me some time to complete. There was a lot of code and scripts to look through and since we have been shown plenty of features in Unity now, it meant there was a lot to remember. I do like how the challenges test you so you can see how much you know and remains of some features we have done at the beginning of the lesson which we might have forgotten.  

I think I might use some of the new features that I have learned in this lesson that would suit my game. I really liked the smoke effect and found out that it can be edited to a different colour in Unity without having to use any code. 



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